
PRIVACY POLICYUpdated On 24th-Feb-2023

Dear User,

Con10T Labs Private Limited having its office at New No. 61/8, Old No. 53/8, T-1, Ras Flats, 10th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 083 (hereinafter referred to as “Con10t”/ “We”/ “Us”/ “Our”), operates the website and the application CAP10 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Platform”).

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) helps the users availing Our services and accessing the Platform (whether registered or not) (“User(s)”, “You”, “Your”) understand the type of information collected by Us, the purpose for which such information is collected; how such information is used; the intended recipients of such information; and how the information is protected. We take protection and proper use of Your information seriously and are committed to protecting such information in Our possession. We advise You to read this Policy carefully prior to Your access of Platform, use of Our services, or creation of an account on the Platform. If You do not agree to this Policy, please do not access Our Platform, use Our services, or create an Account in Our Platform. Any service received by You through on or through our Platform are provided by Us shall be governed by our Terms of Use and all information collected/ received by Us from You shall be governed by this Policy, as amended or modified from time to time.

If We learn that We have collected any Personal Information (as defined below) from a User who is under the age of 18 (eighteen) and which was not provided under the supervision and consent of the minor’s parents or guardians, We will promptly delete such information. If You believe that We have collected Personal Information from someone under the age of 18 (eighteen), please contact us at the email address mentioned at the end of this Policy. This Policy is published and shall be construed to be in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data of Information) Rules, 2011 ( “SPDI Rules”) and Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines And Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 ( “Ethics Rules”) under the Information Technology Act, 2000 ( “IT Act”) and other applicable laws that require publishing of the privacy notice for collection, usage, storage, disclosure and transfer of sensitive personal data or information.

Any terms which have not been defined under this Policy (by capitalization and through quotations) shall have the meanings assigned to such terms under our Terms of Use which can be accessed here:


When You create an account with Us on the Platform and receive the services provided by Us, We collect certain information from You, the details of which are provided herein after. The information collected by Us from You are as follows:

  • Personal Information – This may include information in relation to You as a natural person, either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available to a body corporate, is capable of identifying You and any further information, including, without limitation, provided by You to Us while creating an account such as Your name, nationality, state/city of residence, residential address, e-mail address, date of birth, age, gender, contact number/mobile number, social media login credentials, details of the primary caretaker, username, passwords, audio and video of You, information relation to physical, physiological and mental health condition or any other identifiers and any other sensitive/personal information as defined under the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data of Information) Rules, 2011 as amended from time to time and such other data privacy laws whether now in force or in future ( “Personal Information” or “information”).
  • Usage Information - Any information that is not Personal Information, but information collected in relation to Your use of the Platform or information required for the proper functioning and development of Platform, including, without limitation: (i) time, date and extent of Your usage of the Platform; (ii) Your usage and search history within the Platform, (iii) device keyboard settings; (iv) time zone, language, screen resolution, and other usage preferences You select when using the Platform; (v) the URL or advertisement that may have directed You to the Platform; (vi) history of use of our services by You; (vii) other device and Platform access information viz. Your IP address, operating system, browser type, referring/exit pages, and other unique device identifiers, as well as Your push notification tokens.
  • Behavioural Information - We may collect information which is connected with Your activity on the Platform across all Your devices using Your email or social media log-in details, as well as posts and content that You search for, and opt-ins and communication preferences.
  • Location Data - Information about Your location when accessing and/or using the Platform if You chose to opt-in. With Your permission, We may collect Global Positioning System (GPS) data and mobile device location information. If You do not wish to share Your precise location with Us, You can switch off location services via the settings on Your mobile device or computer. Subject to the data privacy laws, We may record (audio and video), as the case may be, and may also store the text and images in relation to Our services or in relation to third party services availed by You through the Platform for our internal review purpose. We will not publicly display such recordings unless law require to do so, such as if subject to a court order. You may also contact us to delete the recordings by contacting us at
  • Cookies - We and Our service providers and business partners use cookies and other similar technologies (e.g., web beacons, flash cookies, etc.) to automatically collect information, measure and analyse which web pages, content and advertisements You click on and how You use the Platform, enhance Your experience using the Platform, improve the Platform, provide You with advertising on the Platform and elsewhere across Your devices, and measure the effectiveness of advertisements. Cookies enable the Platform to provide certain features and functionality.
  • Transaction and Payment Information - We or our authorised payment gateway solution providers, collect information such as billing address, credit/debit card number, its expiration date or any other payment instrument details and transaction details or any other third-party payment information provided by You.
  • Device Information - We collect information about computers, phones, and other connected devices with a web connection and the presence of Our Platform and services and integrate this information with the various devices You use. This information includes: device features such as information about operating system, hardware and software versions, battery status, signal availability, available storage space, browser type, app or file names and types, and plug-ins, device activities such as information about the activity and behaviour of the device, for example in the background or in front of a window or with mouse movements (which help to distinguish humans from bots), unique identifiers, device ID, games, apps, or accounts You use, Bluetooth signals and information about nearby WiFi access points, beacons and cell towers, Information that We are permitted to collect by turning on access in device configuration, as well as providing access to GPS location, camera or photo, information such as Your mobile operator's name or ISP, language, time zone, mobile phone number, IP address, connection speed, and other devices near Your device or on the network so that We can help You with the streaming of the services on Your device.
  • Messages - We may collect and process (which includes scanning and analysing) information You provide, including any Personal Information, in the context of composing, sending, or receiving messages (that means the content as well as information about when the message has been sent, received and/or read and the participants of the communication) through Our Platform’s messaging functionality enablers, in order to prevent potential crimes. Please be aware that messages sent between Users and between You and Us will be accessible by Us that We are not responsible for the manner in which You use or disclose messages.
  • Third Party Information - Information about You that You may provide or which We may receive from third parties service providers and websites and applications, such as advertising partners, data providers and analytics providers. We may collect Your third-party social media networks information including Your contact lists for these services and information relating to your use of the Platform in relation to these services, if You choose to link or sign up using a third-party social network or login service (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Google). If you link your account in our Platform to another service, We may receive information about Your use of that service.


We use Your information to improve, support and administer the Platform, to allow You to use its functionalities, and to fulfil and enforce Our Terms of Use. We may also use Your information to, among other things, show You suggestions, promote the Platform, and customize Your ad experience. Specifically, We may use the information provided by You to:

  • to fulfil requests for any services which may be required by You or as may be provided by Us through the Platform, Platform functionality, support and information for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical, and survey purposes and to solicit User’s feedback;
  • to communicate with You, including to notify You about changes in or information about Our services and/ or Platform;
  • to ensure quality or services in line with Our internal policies;
  • to improve and develop Our Platform and conduct service development;
  • to customize the services and content provided to you through the Platform;
  • to enforce Our terms, conditions, and policies as may be determined by Us from time to time;
  • to prove Your identity in order to use certain features of our Platform,
  • to combine all the information, We collect or receive about You for any of the foregoing purposes;
  • to maintain security and help Us detect abuse, fraud, and illegal activity on the Platform;
  • to understand how You use the Platform across all devices from which you may choose to use our Platform;
  • to support the social functions of the Platform, including to permit Users to connect with each other through the Platform;
  • to make suggestions regarding and provide a customized ad experience;
  • to send promotional materials from Us or on behalf of Our affiliates and trusted third parties as deemed fit and necessary by Us;
  • to measure and understand the effectiveness of the advertising We serve to You and others and to deliver advertising;
  • consistent with Your permissions, to provide You with location-based services, such as advertising and other personalized content;
  • for any other purposes disclosed to You at the time We collect Your information or pursuant to Your consent.


The information provided by You to Us is shared in the following manner:

  • Public Information – Any information provided by You to Us (including but not limited to account/ profile information) which, by its nature or as determined by Us qualifies as public information for the purpose of use of the Platform or the services provided by us through the Platform shall be made public to all other users of the platform. You acknowledge and agree that certain account information (such as your profile name, profile picture etc,.) which may be provided by You in connection with the creation of Your account on the Platform shall be publicly viewable to all other users of the Platform.
  • Legal Purposes – We may disclose any information We collect to respond to any legal proceedings (including but not limited to summons, court orders, legal processes, law enforcement requests, legal claims, or government inquiries) and to protect and defend the rights, interests, safety, and security of Us, the Platform, Our affiliates, users, business partners or the public at large. We may also share any of the information We collect to enforce any terms applicable to the Platform, to exercise or defend any legal claims, and comply with any applicable law.
  • Sharing due to Change of Control – We may shall any or all information collected by Us in connection with a substantial corporate transaction such as a sale, merger, consolidation, asset sales or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.
  • Service Providers and Business Partners - We share certain information received from You and listed above with our service providers and business partners to help Us perform business operations and for business purposes, including research, payment processing and transaction fulfilment, database maintenance, administering contests and special offers, technology services, deliveries, sending communications, advertising, analytics, measurement, data storage and hosting, disaster recovery, search engine optimization, marketing, and data processing. Our service providers and business partners may include advertising, marketing, and analytics vendors, payment processors and transaction fulfilment providers, cloud service providers, research providers, customer and technical support providers.
  • Third Parties - We may share certain information collected from You and may otherwise disclose non-Personal Information that We collect to certain third parties. However, We may share Your Personal Information (without Your prior consent) with third parties only in the ways that are described in this Policy, including as set forth below:
    • We may use third parties to outsource one or more aspects of Our business and/or Platform operations (such as email or customer service functions, data processing, web analytics, maintenance, online advertising, and security execution and clearing services), in which case, We may provide certain information collected from You to third parties in connection with the performance of such activities. Such third parties will only use the information to the extent necessary to perform their functions and may be contractually bound to process Your information on Our behalf and in compliance with Our requests and the applicable law.
    • We may also share Your information with one or more third parties, to assist in the improvement and optimization of the Platform, in order to prevent illegal uses, increase user numbers, development, engineering and analysis of information or for Our internal business purposes.
    • In the unlikely event of Our bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, receivership, or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the application of laws or equitable principles affecting creditors’ rights generally, We may not be able to control how Your information is treated, transferred, or used.


  • We follow generally accepted standards to protect the Information provided/ submitted by You to Us, both during transmission and once We receive it. Since no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, therefore, We cannot guarantee its absolute security. If You have any questions about security on Our Website, You can contact Us at
  • We use a combination of firewalls, encryption techniques and other standard authentication procedures, to maintain the security of Your online session and to protect Our online accounts and systems from unauthorized access.
  • When You register for and create an account on our Platform to avail the services provided by Us, We require that you set a password in relation to Your account for Your privacy.
  • Our servers are in secure third party facilities where access to the information provided by You are stored on such third-party servers is restricted by adopting security standards which are customary for the information so collected.
  • We enforce controls for physical access to Our buildings. No employee can put Personal Information on any insecure machine (i.e., nothing can be taken from the database and put on an insecure laptop). We permit only authorized employees who are trained in the proper handling of customer information, to have access to aforesaid User or Personal Information.


  • Information collected by Us may be stored and processed in India or any other territory in which Our third party service providers maintain server facilities. By using the Platform, You expressly consent to any such transfer and storage of information outside of Your country of residence, where data protection laws may be different and/or less stringent. However, We will endeavour to take reasonable measures to keep up an adequate level of data protection also when sharing Your Personal Information with such countries.
  • We make no representation or warranty with respect to any duty to permanently store any information You may provide or that We otherwise collect about You except as required by the laws in India.
  • We strive to keep Our processing activities with respect to Your Personal Information as limited as possible. In the absence of specific retention periods set out in this Policy, Your Personal Information will be retained only for as long as We need it to fulfil the purpose for which We have collected it and, if applicable, as long as required by statutory retention requirements. Typically, this means We retain Your Personal Information for as long as Your account is active and for up to 180 days following deletion of Your account. Please note that statutory storage obligations or the need for legal actions that may arise from misconduct within the Platform can lead to a longer retention of Your Personal Information. By using the Platform and providing Us with information (including Personal Information), You waive any claims that may arise under Your own or any other local or national laws, rules or regulations or international treaties. We may from time to time transfer or merge Your information collected off-line to Our online databases or store off-line information in an electronic format. This Policy applies to Your information for as long as Your information is in Our possession, even if You terminate or discontinue Your use of the Platform.
  • In the event that We undergo re-organization, are sold to, or merged with a third party, or sell all or substantially all of Our assets, any information We hold about or collected/ received from You may be transferred to that re-organized entity or third party in compliance with applicable law.
  • In the unlikely event of Our bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, receivership, or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the application of laws or equitable principles affecting creditors’ rights generally, We may not be able to control how Your Personal Information is treated, transferred, or used.


The Platform may include links to other websites, mobile applications, or services (“Third Party Sites”), whose privacy practices may differ from those set forth herein. Such links are not an endorsement by Us of those third-party Sites and/or the products or services they offer. If You visit Third Party Sites or submit Information to any of those Third-Party Sites, Your visit and Information is governed by their privacy policy. We encourage You to carefully read the privacy policy of any Third-Party Site You visit, as it may differ substantially from that of this Policy. We make no representations or warranties with respect to, nor are We responsible for the privacy policies of, any Third-Party Sites. If You decide to click on any such links or access any Third- Party Sites appearing on the Platform, You do so at Your own risk.


If any information provided by You to Us at the time of creation of Your account on the Platform changes, You must update it as soon as possible. To review and update the information provided by You, please send an email to or make such changes directly on the Platform using the functions provided therein. Please note that We may retain Your information for as long as Your account is active or as may be needed to provide You Our services in relation to the Platform. If You wish to cancel Your account or request that We no longer use Your information to provide You Our services, You can delete your account on the Platform by sending an email to However, We may retain and use the information provided by You as may be necessary to comply with Our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and to enforce Our agreements under applicable law.


You are responsible for maintaining the security of Your login ID and Password and must not provide these credentials to any third party. If You believe that they have been stolen or been made known to others, You must contact Us immediately at We are not responsible if someone else accesses Your account through the login credential they have obtained from You or through a violation by You of this Policy or the Our Terms of Use. If You have any security related concern, please contact Us at We will work closely with You to ensure a rapid and personal response to Your concerns.


We may update this Policy from time to time. When We update the Policy, We will notify You by updating the “Last Updated” date at the top of this Policy and posting the new Policy and providing any other notice required by applicable law. We recommend that You review the Policy each time You visit the Platform to stay informed of Our privacy practices.


In the event that You wish to make a complaint or request concerning Your Personal Information or Our privacy practices, or have questions, concerns, or comments about this Policy, please contact Us in the first instance at and We will endeavour to deal with Your request as soon as possible. This is without prejudice to Your right to launch a claim with Your data protection authority or follow the dispute process set forth in the Terms of Use.

© 2023 CON10T. All rights reserved.

Privacy PolicyTerms and Conditions