
FAQsCAP10 Logo

General FAQs

Treat yourself to an unlimited library of memes through CAP10, your go-to meme application of the 21st century! Whether you are a casual meme-lover who enjoys liking, sharing, commenting and chilling or want to use the app's features to produce content, join a wider community of creators, participate in competitions, and win incredible prizes, CAP10 has you covered!

So what are you waiting for? Download the app to get your daily dose of dopameme and check out our wide range of features in store for you.

CAP10 works on both Android and iOS. You can download this app from Google and Apple Store

Using CAP10

When you come across a Post that contains objectionable or explicit content or comments, select "Report Post" by clicking the three dots [...] at the top of the Post.


The Broadcast feature allows you to send a message or media to several contacts simultaneously. The message sent by you will appear as an individual message in their Chat.


You receive a Badge for completing a task on the App, such as maintaining Streaks, finishing at the top of the Leaderboard, and participating in some Referral Programs. The App also allows Users to purchase Premium Badges.


Quokkan is an in-app currency that can be used to enter the Leaderboard, renew a missed Streak, and other activities in the App! For instance, in CAP10, you require two Quokkans to sign up for a competition. Check your Quokkan purse here.


A user earns Qualories when they react, post, and comment on a Post. In addition, Qualories are awarded with every Referral, while maintaining a Streak, and participating in events. The opportunities to earn Quokkans are updated with each update. Visit the “How to Earn a Qualorie” section in the App to stay updated on the different ways you can earn a Qualorie.


  • Go to your feed, click the “+” sign in the bottom Navigation Bar. This brings up the Creator Mode.
  • In the Creator Mode, you have two options for creating a Post;
  • Selecting a photo from your Gallery or
  • Taking one with your phone's camera.

Additionally, you have the option of selecting a picture from the phone's Recent Photos.

Click Save and Continue. (CAP10 adheres to a privacy-first policy, and we do not access data unless we are given permission).

  • The screens that follow let you add color filters, change the font, doodle, resize, and frame your images.
  • Once you've finished editing, give your Post a title and let us know a little about the Post in the Description Box.
  • Click "Finish" to upload the Post.


The tags are the pre-defined filter categories you see at the top of your Feed or on a Post. Click a Tag to view Posts linked to it.


The term "Streak" describes how many days in a row a user has logged into the App. Depending on the number of continuous App logins, you receive "Qualories.” Check your Streak here.


  • Go to your Feed and click the User Profile icon in the upper right corner.
  • In the User Profile, click on three dots […] at the top and select Settings.
  • Under Settings, click on “Earn Rewards.”
  • You are directed to the "Referral" screen.
  • Click the “Invites” button and choose the platform you wish to share the referral code.

Subscription - Pro User

Click the three dots (...) at the top of the user Profile page, choose Settings, and then select "Know my Subscription" from the Account section. You are directed to the Subscription screen, where you can sign up for a subscription for as little as Rs. 49. Numerous payment methods are available for making payments.


The Leaderboard displays the top performers for each pre-defined activity in a global competition. It acts like a scoreboard within the app with ratings based on user interaction, such as shares, comments and reactions. A 14-day window is used to determine the winner!


  • Go to your Feed and click the arrow ">" button to open the chat window.
  • Click on the Message icon next to the search bar.
  • Click on “Create“ and choose the user you want to start a conversation with.
  • Start conversing!

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